Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How much does the average or typical front yard xeriscape job cost?
A: I would say the average job I take is $5,000-$15,000. This, of course, is a very general number as each job is unique. Things like hardscapes or planting trees can be larger items. Some yards are small or average, and some are huge. I do my best to have competitive, fair pricing and am always transparent with each item’s cost.

Q: Do you provide free estimates?
A: I give free consultations with a rough verbal estimate at that time. Upon agreement I then charge $100 for a formal firm quote. If the job is approved that deposit is deducted from the cost of the job. I am a small business and can only do 40 to 50 jobs a year, so valuing my time and having people invested is important to cull out those who are not serious.

Q: What trees are recommended to plant in Colorado?
A: Our favorite trees for landscaping in Colorado are Linden, Maple, Mountain Ash, Honeycrisp Apple and Catalpa.

Q: What is a typical size of a flagstone patio?
A: 100 to 400 sq. ft. is the typical size for a flagstone patio installation in Colorado.

Q: What is the best type of sod to install in Colorado?
A: We always recommend enviroturf from Turfmaster for the best grass lawns in our region. It is formulated for our arid Colorado climate, uses a third of the water as bluegrass and has very deep roots.

Q: Can a landscape be installed in the winter?
A: We typically work up until Christmas then start up again in March. The main obstacle is the ground and materials being frozen. All work is weather dependent.

(970) 232-8892